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Some people not able to see the Yed html graphs

0 votes
I have some HTML graphs stored on our intranet and most people can see them using IE11 but a couple of people just get a blank screen, I've checked the settings in IE and they are the same as mine, which works. Is there anything that could stop IE from working on some PCs?
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Maybe they are running into the issue described in No GraphML file was specified. If not, it is very difficult to tell what might be the problem with the little information available.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
I've not got a lot more info really.
OS = Windows 7, Browser IE11, YEd Version 3.17.2.
Screen on some PCs (small minority) just blank, no error messages.
I will get one user to press F12 to see if there are any errors shown in the dev console and feedback.
I recommend checking the flash player settings as well as the IE settings.
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