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Can I select specific nodes based on property mapping?

0 votes

I want to make IBIS chart by importing data from an Excel sheet.

My diagram has two types of nodes: Question and Idea.
Both types have two labels: ID and Text.

To populate these labels, I have created an excel sheet with two columns.

The Excel sheet has a third column, which identifies the node type (Question or Idea).

How should I set the Properties Mapper to select the appropriate node type based on the value of this column?

in Feature Requests by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd's properties mapper is not able to set the selection state of elements. The main reason being that selection state is not considered a true element property. (This is also evident in the fact that undo/redo ignores selection state as well.)

Of course, being able to select elements based on values of custom properties is still a valid requirement. Fortunately, yEd's "Find" and "Select Elements" tools both support selecting elements by custom property value.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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