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Export the whole diagram ( with legible characters

0 votes
my diagram is really long, I want to export the image to word ( where I'm writing my thesis) when I did print, it doesn't work because I don't have a print ( and it's normal because  I need the diagram as an image to insert i word) so I did export and here is the problem : as my diagram is long when I did "visible region" I can't read what I wrote in the diagram, so I'm oliged to export it in 4or 5 images and then make them with photoshop to have again the whol diagram and insert it later in word...

It's my solution which is not convenient.... tell me what do you do in my place?

in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

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If you need legible text in a raster image (i.e. a GIF/JPG/PNG image), you are basically limited to exporting at zoom level 1. To do that, choose the following Image Export settings:

(Well, you may change the "Margin" value, it does not affect the legibilty of text in any way.) Incidentally, these are also the default settings.

If your diagram is very large, you may run into OutOfMemoryError problems - in this case you also need to "Activate Tiling" on the "Tiling" tab. This means that you will again get several images for your diagram.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
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