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Easy way to change node shape?

0 votes
Is there an easy way to change a node shape? For example if I have a rectangle but want to change it to a cirle, can I do that quickly? Or do I have to recreate the node, color, label etc each time?
in Help by (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes, there is an easy way to change the node shape.

If your node is one of the nodes from the "Shape Nodes" palette section, then it has an editable "Shape" property.

In the general case, though, you need to select the node you want to change, then right-click the desired shape in the palette to open the palette context menu, and choose "Apply Type".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Perfect! Thank you!
Are there any instructions anywhere that would provide this kind of information?
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