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On an apple mac, insert new column in a swimlane.

0 votes

This may be a newbie question, but I've just spent an hour looking for an answer. I'm using a macbook air and I  want to add a column to a swimlane. The instructions in the help mention a context sensitive menu but I can't see this anywhere.


Colm O'Flynn
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
  1. Click on the swimlane node to which you want to add a column or row to select it.
  2. CTRL+click on the selected swimlane node. This will open the node's context menu. (This approach to opening context menus should not be specific to yEd but the same as in other macOS applications.)
  3. Choose "Add Column" or "Add Row" from the context menu. ("Add Column" and "Add Row" are the two bottom-most entries in the context menu.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)


I hadn't realised I could do this from the Apple context menu.


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