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new nodes or possibility to rotate a node

0 votes
I would like to rotate a single node "trapezoid" and not only the whole diagramme.

Can you add more trapezoid-nodes in the palette: "Shape nodes"?
Or could you add the possibility to rotate a single node? So, that I can not only rotate a text or the whole diagramme.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes

Partial duplicate of Please Add Feature to turn shapes!

See also the workaround given in the above thread.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you. I have solved my problem by turning the png. output of yed with paint (or was it microsoft picture manager). But it would have been easier, if i would have had an other trapezoid-node. Or if it would have been possible to turn the node itself. I didn't need to rotate my writing, and i don't need a shade at all. Anyway i have made now my copy of the extension butterfly (page 12 or 13 of the following doc)

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