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Allow Collapsible/Expandable Nodes

0 votes
Allowing Collapsible/Expandable Nodes feature like in yFiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiMVxPh8fos would be great for large organizational charts with multiple departments/divisions/sections.
in Feature Requests by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Behavior like in the CollapsibleTreeDemo is great for special purpose applications or domain specific applications. It does not work so well in a general purpose diagram editor like yEd (e.g. because the automatic arrangement on collapse and expand in the demo requires the diagram to be a tree).

That said, yEd does offer collapsible/expandable group nodes (even though collapsing or expanding groups does not automatically re-arrange the diagram).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Yep. But still would be nice to have for us general purpose users...
In other words, the CollapsibleTreeDemo behavior is only possible because of additional restrictions on the diagram structure. yEd does not impose such restrictions on diagrams and thus cannot offer the same behavior. ;-)
I clearly understand. But these things https://adeelk93.github.io/collapsibleTree/ are just too cool not to have.
Yet. I think that maybe it wouldn't have to boil down to anything "more" complicated: basically a much appreciated function would be - taking a left-to-right layout as an expample - click on the right most node and make the one(s) to the right of the target appear (albeit the focused child nodes being arranged in an acyclic manner), and so on. Would make "driving" through complex BPMN's or flowcharts or trees a bit more haptic...
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That restriction is just that the node's outgoing edges lead to subtrees, right? I thought it was trivially easy to determine if a node in any directed graph is the root of a tree just by attempting a breadth-first traversal and marking/checking visited nodes?

Even if it's not trivial, being able to collapse/expand sub-trees is immensely useful. Wikipedia has an off-the-cuff list of extremely diverse examples of tree structures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_structure#Examples_of_tree_structures . That list doesn't even include mindmaps; or XML, JSON, and other tree-like files.

Having this feature in yEd just like you've implemented in https://live.yworks.com/demos/complete/collapse/index.html would make yEd much more powerful for anyone who uses yEd to work with trees. Which is probably *most* people who pick it up--certainly me!
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