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Constrain nodes at same layer (y-coordinate)

+1 vote
Is it possible to constrain two or more nodes to be at the same layer (y-coordinate) after automatic hierarchical layout by assigning "something" before layout?

If it is not possible it is not a great deal, I only want to make sure I have not overlooked something in the yEd interface.
in Help by (300 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
Although hierarchical layout supports layering constraints, yEd does not provide a way to specify such constraints.

The only thing that comes close is "Layers" -> "Layer Assignment" set to "From Sketch". First run the algorithm with any other "Layer Assignment". Then manually move the nodes you want to constrain to the same y-coordinate. yEd's snap lines should make it fairly easy to do so. Finally, choose "From Sketch" and run the algorithm once more.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
Thank you. Though I found older postings pointing in the same direction I failed on understanding. But with your explanation now i got it ;-)
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