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Duplicate GroupNode for nodegraphics

0 votes


Is it expected to have, in the graphml XML generated by yEd, two duplicate GroupNode elements with same NodeLabel, one open and one closed? Thanks.

                  <data key="d6">
                      <y:Realizers active="0">
                          <y:Geometry height="302.0" width="254.0" x="1387.0" y="440.046875"/>
                          <y:Fill hasColor="false" transparent="false"/>
                          <y:BorderStyle color="#0000FF" type="dashed" width="2.0"/>
                          <y:NodeLabel alignment="center" autoSizePolicy="content" borderDistance="2.0" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" fontStyle="bold" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="28.0" horizontalTextPosition="right" iconData="2" iconTextGap="4" modelName="internal" modelPosition="tl" textColor="#333333" verticalTextPosition="center" visible="true" width="39.330078125" x="2.0" y="2.0">Z</y:NodeLabel>
                          <y:Shape type="rectangle"/>
                          <y:State closed="false" closedHeight="50.0" closedWidth="50.0" innerGraphDisplayEnabled="false"/>
                          <y:NodeBounds considerNodeLabelSize="true"/>
                          <y:Insets bottom="15" bottomF="15.0" left="15" leftF="15.0" right="15" rightF="15.0" top="15" topF="15.0"/>
                          <y:BorderInsets bottom="0" bottomF="0.0" left="1" leftF="1.0" right="1" rightF="1.0" top="0" topF="0.0"/>
                          <y:Geometry height="58.0" width="60.0" x="1387.0" y="440.046875"/>
                          <y:Fill hasColor="false" transparent="false"/>
                          <y:BorderStyle color="#0000FF" type="dashed" width="2.0"/>
                          <y:NodeLabel alignment="center" autoSizePolicy="content" borderDistance="2.0" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" fontStyle="bold" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="28.0" horizontalTextPosition="right" iconData="2" iconTextGap="4" modelName="internal" modelPosition="tl" textColor="#333333" verticalTextPosition="center" visible="true" width="39.330078125" x="2.0" y="2.0">Z</y:NodeLabel>
                          <y:Shape type="rectangle"/>
                          <y:State closed="true" closedHeight="58.0" closedWidth="60.0" innerGraphDisplayEnabled="false"/>
                          <y:NodeBounds considerNodeLabelSize="true"/>
                          <y:Insets bottom="15" bottomF="15.0" left="15" leftF="15.0" right="15" rightF="15.0" top="15" topF="15.0"/>
                          <y:BorderInsets bottom="0" bottomF="0.0" left="1" leftF="1.0" right="1" rightF="1.0" top="0" topF="0.0"/>
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer
Yes, this is expected. One represents the opened and one the closed state. Try using e.g. different fill colors in opened and closed state and you will understand why it makes sense to store the data this way.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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