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display from a ged-file in family-tree OCCU NOTE etc.

0 votes
After importing a ged-file, my need is to display some additional fields like OCCU, PLAC,  ADDR, NOTE, etc. in the persons-label at the family-tree. In the menu STRUKTUR, i can find all these.

I try something, but in most cases I get this for example:
1 OCCU Bäcker
2 PLAC Bremen
3 CITY Bremen
and some Standard fields are deleted.

Is there a place/adress where I can find a step-by-step instruction?
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

By default, yEd's GEDCOM import only imports names of individuals. To visualize additional information, you need to do two things.
First, you need to make sure that the "Include All" check box in the "Included Tags" field in the GEDCOM import settings is checked. Doing so will import the GEDCOM tag data as custom properties in yEd. (Select one node, then inspect its "Data" section in the properties table in yEd's lower right corner.)
Second, you need to use yEd's properties mapper to visualize the information from custom properties in node labels.
See e.g. Place of birth in Famioly Tree Layout from GEDCOM PLAC data for an example of using yEd's properties mapper for GEDCOM diagrams. Searching the forum for "mapper" will find lots of additional posts related to yEd's properties mapper.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
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