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How can I adjust width or height with fixed width height ratio of original image?

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How can I adjust width or height with fixed width height ratio of original image?

E.g. if the original size of the image is 400*300(width * height), how can I set the width to 200, the the height can auto adjust to 150?
in Help by

1 Answer

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Assuming you want to resize an image node, then click on the node to select it, press and hold SHIFT and drag one the hotspots at the node's corners to preserve the original node aspect-ratio while resizing.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Yes, I have got this idea of dragging with mouse. But I want to set precise value of width or height, I think something I need is an option for fixed ratio, then if I change one, the other will change accordingly with the original width height ratio.
If you want to explicitly set the size in the properties view, you will currently have to calculate the second dimension yourself.
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