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"Group" Nodes like in PowerPoint?

0 votes
Can you wrap and select 2 nodes that you want to stay together as a group, like you can in power point?  I tried the "group" function, but it draws a line around the two nodes, labeling it group 1 and you can see it when you print.  So I think it is a different "group" function than what you see in powerpoint, which allows you to group two or more objects and text boxes together and move them around as a single entity or copy and paste them to create new identical entities.  I wanted to do this to create a node with two different colors and two fonts to separate "position title" in my org chart from "name" of the person.

Is there a group function in yEd, that is similar to the powerpoint group function?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Even though yEd does not support the kind of grouping you are used to from Powerpoint, I would guess it is nevertheless possible to create the desired visualization in yEd. The way to go in yEd would be working with multiple labels as mentioned in Two fonts one node. Moreover, there is a fairly complex example in "Help" -> "Example Graphs" -> "Visual Features" -> "node_labels_with_icons.graphmlz" that shows the result of using labels to create "custom" visualizations.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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