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How to expand all palettes by default on startup?

0 votes
It's really annoying having to click on the palette title to see what's inside. I want everything to be expanded by default.

Right now if I want to see all the available shapes I have to click on every single group title in the palette window, like Shape nodes, Modern nodes, People, UML, so and so.

in Help by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to have yEd open several palette sections on start-up. yEd will always open the top-most section only. You can, however, re-order the palette sections in the palette manager (see "Edit" -> "Manage Palette") to have the one section you use the most at the very top. It is also possible to create a user-defined section with the most used elements from the other sections and put that one on top.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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