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Node Line Type Doesn't Change

0 votes
Greetings, I am able to change the color of the node outline, but not the type. I wanted to change to a dashed line, and I can see the line types to choose from, when I select the dash line I want, nothing changes. I can select different colors, but the outline type won't change. Any ideas?
in Help by (240 points)

What kind of node are you trying to change? Can you either post a screenshot of the node in question or even better upload a sample GraphML file with the problematic node?

Please see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for information on uploading files here.

Well, I tried to change the line type of one of your sample swim lane diagram and this time it worked.  Must be something wrong with my original diagram.  Will try to dig it out.  working at work now and trying to figure out how to sign into my account where my old diagram is.  Wish I could past snips directly into this box.  Is there anyway to do that?

ok, here is a picture of where I can't get the dotted lines for the selected node.

I think I've discovered the problem.  I am using "modern nodes" and you can't change the line type of a modern node.  But  I now don't know how to convert a node to a standard node. Unless I start from scratch and create a new one.

1 Answer

0 votes

Ah, yes, the bevel nodes from the "Modern Nodes" palette section do not support line types.

You can change the style of a node by selecting it, then right-clicking the desired style in the palette to open the palette context menu and choosing "Apply" or "Apply Type" from said menu.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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