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Convert Horizontal swim lane diagram to vertical?

0 votes
I created a swim lane diagram that would fit on landscape paper (horizontal). Is there anyway to easily convert it to a vertical diagram so I can fit it on portrait? Or must I start from scratch?
in Help by

1 Answer

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Well, you could try the following approach:

  1. Select all nodes inside your swim lane node.
  2. Press and hold down SHIFT and move the selected nodes out of the swim lane node.
  3. Use "Tools" -> "Geometric Transformations" with "Operation" set to "Rotate", option "Act On Selection Only" enabled, and "Rotation Angle" set to "90" or "270".
  4. Create a new vertical version of your swim lane node. This has to be done manually.
  5. Delete the horizontal swim lane node.
  6. Select the previous content nodes again.
  7. Press and hold down SHIFT and move the selected nodes into the new horizontal swim lane node.

Instead of moving content nodes out of the swim lane node, you could also copy the content nodes and paste them on empty space before rotating. To paste on empty space, right-click on empty space to open the context menu and choose "Paste" from the context menu. Do not use CTRL+V in this case (because the pasted nodes will then also belong to the swim lane node).

Not exactly convenient, but probably better than doing everything from scratch.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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