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Bug: cancel button quits application

0 votes
Yed 3.17.2, mac osx version, contains a bug.

If you press command-Q (the comand to quit the program) during editing, a dialog box pops up asking whether you want to save the document you are editing. The following options are presented: 1. cancel - 2 no - 3 yes.

If pressing the command-Q was done unintentially, the logic answer to choose is: 1. Cancel.
Expected behaviour of the software would be that you are being brought back to the editing mode. The actual behaviour is that the application quits (without saving the work and without updating the settings.xml file).

Hope this can be fixed...

PS: I love Yed. Best program there is.. :-)
in Help by (270 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. I have been able to reproduce this problem and we are currently investigating the cause and possible fixes.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
Hi Thomas,

Thank you for looking into this. I lost a couple of diagrams before I understood that this is indeed a bug. I made myself a small workaround for this moment by editing the keyboard shortcuts in such a way that Command-Q can not be choosen anymore from within Yed.
Within mac osx you can set all kinds of keyboard shortcuts at system level, and mac osx can have shortcuts assigned to particular programs only.
Currently I made the Command-Q command behave like Command P (which brings up a dialog box for printing). This workaround makes that I have no negative effect (for the moment) when accidently pressing Command-Q.
The 'cancel' button from the print dialog is working as expected.
If I need to quit the program, after disabeling the Command-Q the only possible way to Quit is to actually point towards the quit menu.
This helps me (and possible others) to avoid unexpected quit-behaviour.

Hope this workaround will help others as well that run into the same problem.

(Place to set the shortcuts: System menu > Keyboard > Keyboard combinations > make a fake menu item (or point to print menu) and set Command-Q to be the key combination that is used..
Make the key-combination available to Yed only, otherwise the Command-Q is unavailable in all programs :-)

Kind regards,

This problem has been fixed as of yEd 3.18.
Hi Thomas,

Good to hear that!
Keep up the good work!

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