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Is it possible to download fully portable version of yEd?

+1 vote
There was ZIP archive containing JAR package for the previous versions of yEd (I'm using 3.13 at the moment). Now I can only find EXE installers. The problem is that I haven't admin rights on my computer and cannot make an installation. I suppose there should be no problem with running the application, but enforcing me to download and run EXE installer makes the app unavailable for me. Any links I've missed perhaps?
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

The zip archive is still available - please see the item called "Java" on the yEd download page.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
The "Java" zip-Archive is still available.
But not directly visible on the downloads-page.
At the end of the list, it writes "Show all yEd downloads" and a + sign is displayed below. Clicking that + sign and scrolling down will lead you to the "Java" zip archive.
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