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Make input line of label editing feature more usable

0 votes
Dear Guys,

I'm using yEd to operate big plots of text, which form graphs.

If I try to edit a text in the node, the input line goes beyond the screen. Thus I have to insert line breaks till I get to the needed fragment of text in the input line of the node.

Please, make the input line automatically breaking the text down for editing. Because, if I insert line break symbols into the text during editing, it crashes the format of the plot. And when there are more than 200 nodes with text it becomes a huge problem.

Thanks for really good product. Best wishes,
in Feature Requests by (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd's inline text editor is not intended for editing long lines of text.
If you need to do that, use either the properties dialog or the properties view for editing text. Especially the properties view in yEd's lower right corner is well-suited for this use case because if you click into the "Text" value field, it will display a small button labeled "..." which will open a dedicated text editing component for editing multiple or long lines of text.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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