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Support Web Fonts (especially for SVG Exports)

0 votes
Dear yEd-Team,

it's really hard to export an SVG on one platform (e.g. Linux) and ensure that it looks the same on every operating system because yEd/SVG uses the generic JVM fonts (like "Dialog") that are resolved to different fonts on Linux, Mac, Windows. This makes layouting a nightmare because the fonts have different length and height. And using a fixed font doesn't make sense because they are platform-specific.

It's even worse. An SVG that is exported under Linux (with font "Dialog") looks different and moved in Chrome and Firefox because of that.

I suppose the only way to tackle this problem is to use fonts that are available on every platform. Fortunately, the web already solved that issue with Web Fonts. And they can also be linked in the SVG.

Support for Web Fonts (in yEd + the exported SVG) would be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
in Feature Requests by (140 points)

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