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BPMN pool is shrunk

0 votes


I am having an issue with the BPMN pool node which is grouped with other symbols. Somehow it got shrunk. I do not know what I did, but I cant get it in the initial state anymore. Please also not the Overview on my screenshots. In some views the lower graphs disappeared.

So here is the initial view:

Initial state

This is what I am looking at now:



This is what happens if I resize this BPMN pool node:


If I double click the node, this happens: (the other elements are still there)



So has anyone an idea what happend and how I could reverse this? Ctrl+Z does not work anymore because I closed the document)





Edit: I just saw, that the images are too big to be displayed. It works if you open them in a new tab.

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Please update to the latest version of yEd (3.17.2 as of this writing). Double-clicking a pool node should not trigger the "View group content" action (which it did in 3.17.1).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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