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yEd Live - document background

0 votes
I'm trying to edit a diagram that will be shown on a dark background. Obviously the diagram is supposed to have light colored (white even) elements. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to change the background color in the designer, which makes it very hard to work with the elements I have in mind. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing?



in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, there is currently no setting to change the background color of the canvas in yEd Live.

This feature is on our list of possible improvements so it might become an option in the future.
by [yWorks] (1.5k points)
Recently, yEd Live has been updated with a dark mode. Although you still cannot define an arbitrary background color, you can create diagrams with a dark background in mind now.

This video shows how to switch between dark and light mode: https://vimeo.com/347553554
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