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how can I make the links clickable in a graph exported in svg

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in Help by

1 Answer

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Links are by default "clickable" when exporting to SVG - see the options in tab "Links and Description" in the SVG export settings:

by [yWorks] (162k points)
I do not find this "SVG Export" window in yEd. Where is it?
(I also need descriptions on edges as tooltips.)

That "window" is the SVG Export settings dialog that is displayed automatically when you export a diagram to SVG. To export a diagram to SVG, click "File" -> "Export" and choose "SVG Format (*.svg)" as "Files of Type" in the export file chooser dialog.

To specify the description for an edge, click on the edge to select it, then enter the desired description as value for property "Description" in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner. (While working with the diagram in yEd, yEd will also use that description as tool tip text.)

This doesn't seem to be available in the live editor? Cheers
You are correct, yEd Live doesn not yet offer the possibility to export URLs and/or descriptions to SVG. It is on our list of possible improvements for yEd Live.
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