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Where can I download old versions?

0 votes
I cannot open graphml file created in yed 3.15 with 3.17
in Help by

1 Answer

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yWorks offers only the most recent version of yEd for download.

However, with very few (erroneous) exceptions, yEd is always able to open GraphML files written by earlier versions.

That said, what exactly does happen when you try to open your old file in the most recent version of yEd (3.17.2 as of this writing)?
Could you upload your file here for inspection? (Please do so only if the file does not contain any sensitive data.) Please see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for instructions on uploading files.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Thank you very much for uploading the problematic file.

However, your file opens without any problems in yEd 3.17.2 (as well as 3.17.1 and 3.17) for me.
What problems are you running into?
On what operating system are you running yEd?
What version of Java are you using (see "Help" -> "About")?
I see no content in it when open it with 3.17.2
There are elements in the structure view but in the central panel there is only one empty rectangle with dashed outline
win 10
java 1.8.0_151
You do not see any content because you have closed the group node before saving.

After opening the file in yEd once again, click into the group node to select it, then choose "Grouping" -> "Open Group" to open the group node and display its content.
it helped, thanks
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