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Snap lines for moving bends

0 votes

Often prople want to align different edge segments by moving the bend in one of the edges.

yEd editor should provide snap lines while we drag bends, so that we can precisely control the placement of bends.

In the following example, I am trying to move the bend in the red edge vertically.

But I am unable to align (snap) it with the bend in the black edge.

in Feature Requests by (1.5k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Turn on the Grid, either by selecting it under the View menu or by clicking the toolbar icon.  You can adjust the grid spacing in Preferences.  Edges and bends will automatically snap to the Grid and bends will be aligned.
No I do not want to use the grid. there are too many edges running closely, and a grid will force them apart.
0 votes
In the latest version of yEd (3.17.2 as of this writing), snap line support is available for bends as well - see "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Snap Lines", option "Bend to Bend Distance".

If you are using the latest version of yEd, the bend you are dragging is probably not close enough to another bend for a snap line to become active. Either drag the bend closer to another bend or increase the distance in the aforementioned option.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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