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Allow user to set the grid spacing for the canvas

0 votes

Currently yEd allows the user to change the grid spacing in the Layout dialog. But this stage comes much later, when he has already finished the drawing and resizing of all nodes.

This means the grid spacing cannot be changed while he is drawing the nodes or resizing them.

But if the user is allowed to snap the objects to grid while dragging the sides or corners, he will be able to draw nodes with precise sizes. If this feature is provided, he does not have to enter the precise dimensions in Properties view.

And then if he is also able to change the grid spacing, then he can control the size of the nodes fully.

In other words, let the user set the grid specing for the canvas, and then provide a toggleable feature to snap the cursor to these dots while he is dragging a corner/side of the node.

in Feature Requests by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Changing the canvas grid spacing is already possible. See "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Grid".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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