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Is it possible to customize the shape of nodes in the "shape nodes" palette?

0 votes

The Shape Nodes palette has shapes like trapezoidal, parallellogram, triangle, etc.

It is a tempting to customize their appearance:

  • Change the aspect ratio of a triangle (= Height / Base)
  • Tilt the traingle
  • Change the angle of the parallellogram/trapezoid
  • Change the angular sides of the octagon.
  • etc

See the sample customizations given below (created in LibreOffice) 

Can this be possible in yEd Editor?

in Feature Requests by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Although it is not possible to customize the templates in the "Shape Nodes" palette section, it is possible to create user-defined palette sections and import your own shapes into such a user-defined section. Please see How can I use my own node symbols in yEd? for details.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
No I wanted to create a node that can be adjusted "live" on the canvas. If we import a shape that is created externally, we will end up creating a large number of variants of the same basic shape.
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