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how to drag and drop an existing node to another existing node in graph component

0 votes
in Help by (140 points)
Towards what end?

In any case, I am not sure how to explain "how to drag and drop". To me, "drag and drop" already describes what needs to be done.
Hi Thomas thanks for your interest.I will clear my question to u.

1) I have a graph component where i will have four nodes and two edges like below
    O---O   O---O
    1     2   3    4

Now the problem statement if i drag 3rd node above 2nd node i should be able to replace the 2nd node with 3rd node and structure will become like below,
    1     3    4

Atleast if i get the whats target node and whats dropped node through some event ii will be able to programatically achieve my desired

I think the tutorials explain drag fresh node from pallete but i dont want that,it should be from inside the graph component and the target wont be a group node

1 Answer

0 votes

Ah, you are working with one of the yFiles programming libraries, right? In this case, please contact yWorks support by mail. (Please include your yWorks customer or evaluator ID in your mail when doing so.)

This forum is for yEd questions only.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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