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How do I drop existing process into a swimlane?

0 votes

I have a very basic (3 node process) drawn out. I have then inserted a 2 lane swimlane object from the BPN palette. When I try to drag the process into the swimlane, it just sits 'behind' it rather than 'in' it as if the two are unassociated. If I drag a new box from the palette in the swimlane it works i.e. when move the swimlane, the contents remain inside. Any ideas how I drop the existing process into the swimlane without having to re-create it?


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Please see Adding a node to a group node/Removing a node from a group node in the yEd Manual. A swimlane node is a special kind of group node.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Perfect - works! Thank you very much Thomas.
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