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ghost lines in diagram

0 votes

I have a hyerarchical diagram with 299 nodes (it has happened in the past with even less than 20 nodes). I can't find what triggers the apprearance of ghost lines from every node to a point above the existing nodes (there's nothing up there, it seems to be just a vanishing point). For the most part, I think they appear after I zoom (in or out) and pan in the canvas (they may appear just if I toggle to another application and back to yEd).

If I do a print preview and close the dialog, the lines disappear (they'll reappear again, after some zooming and panning). The same happens if I do file > preferences > display, change nothing, apply and close. Either method is not guaranteed to work consistently (i.e., lines may not disappear by following it).

Those lines are visible even in full screen, after saving...

system and Software information:

yEd: Version 3.17.1

Java Version: 1.8.0_144
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Oracle Corporation

Windows 10, Home, 64-bit

in Help by

Is it possible for you to upload a GraphML file with a diagram that suffers from this problem for testing purposes?
Please see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for instructions on how to upload files here. Please do not upload diagrams with sensitive data.

1 Answer

0 votes

Thanks Thomas,

I managed to create a one-node problem file (this not always occur, though). Notice I had another file opened at the same time. As you can see, the lines are visible even in the preview pane.

GrapfhML file



Well, there is absolutely nothing suspicious in your file. So, it does not seem to be a problem of corrupted data (like edges with bends at infinity or the like).

Since it is not a data-related problem, it is almost certainly a Java rendering problem. What version of Java are you running yEd on (see "Help" -> "About")? I assume you used one of the Windows installers from the yEd download page to install yEd. Did you make sure to use the correct installer with regards to 32bit vs 64bit? Did you install yEd with or without embedded Java runtime environment? If the former, you can try installing the latest Java 8 runtime environment (8u152 at the time of this writing; be sure not to use Java 9), uninstalling yEd, re-installing from an installer without embedded Java runtime environment. If that does not help either, check if there are any driver updates for your graphics card available.
Unfortunately, there is very little that can be done about rendering problems aside from updating to the latest drivers and Java versions.

Just in case, that might not be clear: I cannot reproduce this problem on Windows 10 with Java 8u152 and yEd 3.17.1.

My Java version (from yEd about): is Java Version: 1.8.0_144
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Oracle Corporation. I have used 64-bit consisntently. I'll try installing JRE, uninstalling yEd and reinstalling without JRE and let know if it solves the problem. I checked an all drivers for the graphics card are up to date.
I installed JRE 8_152, uninstalled yEd, reinstalled it again (iwthout JRE). And the problem is still there. I guess it has something to do with the graphic card of my computer or something like that. If  someone has the same problem and finds a solution, a post here is highly appreciated.
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