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Properties Mapper and Groups

0 votes
How to map group properties with propertie mapper ?

I'd like to set group text label and shape with propeties mapper. Currently I need to manually update group text after any import.

in Help by

1 Answer

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Using the properties mapper to adjust the label text for group nodes is supported since yEd version 3.16.
It is not possible to change the shape of a group node using the properties mapper.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I'm using Yed 3.17.1 and I did not see any the property about group nodes label in the properties mapper (Configuration for Nodes).
What is the way to set label for group ?
Group node labels are labels. There is no distinction between labels of normal nodes and labels of group nodes in the properties mapper.
So if I have a list of nodes that belong to several different groups.  How can I import and map group names to the group labels?  I'm using groups as swimlanes.
I already have a map setup for 'system name' to 'Label text'.  If I select another map for Group to label text, it overwrites all nodes with the group name rather than the system name.

Can you upload your diagram in GraphML format and your properties mapper configurations? Without knowing your actual data it is almost impossible to provide sensible advice.

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