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Transitive reduction broken since 3.17

0 votes

I generate dependency graphmls (of components, assemblies, jenkins jobs and such) and use yEd to layout it. I usually do the following:

  1. Open the file
  2. Run "Fit Node to label"
  3. Run "Hierarchical Layout"
  4. Observe that it does not render something readable, as there are too many edges
  5. Remove transitive edges
    1. Tools -> Select ("Elemente auswählen" in german) -> Edges
    2. Run Transitive reduction
    3. Transitively "redundant" edges are selected
    4. Delete selection
  6. Run "Hierarchical Layout"

The problem arises in step 5.3. In versions 3.17 as well as 3.17.1, no transitive edges are selected. If I run the very same file and steps in version 3.16, it works as expected.

I can provide example files if necessary. I double checked that in step 5.2, no other tabs (nodes, labels, ...) have any tickmarks.

in Help by (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Thank you very much for letting us know about this problem. Will be fixed in the next version of yEd.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Any ETA for the next Version of yEd?
Probably still in 2017, but no guarantees.
Is there a possibility to download Version 3.16 until the next release? I would really like to use this Feature.
Unfortunately, no. We do not host old versions anymore once a new version is released.
0 votes

This error has been fixed in the new yEd 3.17.2.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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