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Can't see the processes in the BPMN swimlanes

0 votes

I created a BPMN with processes that are groups in swimlanes. Swimmlane is there, processes are all ther and they ar e(logically) attached the the swimlane. 

However, I must have doen a lethal click with the mouse: I cant see the processes in tthe swimlane anymore. 





in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

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I  guess you accidentally double-clicked your pool node. This currently triggers the "View Group Content" action (see "Grouping" menu) - which is an unintended side effect of a bug fix in yEd 3.17. If you used "Undo" for reverting back to the previous state instead of "Grouping" -> "Previous View", this may have left your pool/swimlane node in the "closed" state. Currently, the only way to open the pool/swimlane node once again is using "Undo" once more.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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