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How do I create a circular edge?

0 votes
How do I create a circular edge or connector? I have created one in the past from a straight edge, but I cannot seem to do it any more. I believe I either double-clicked the connector or pushed Enter, but I'm not sure. Is there an option that needs to be selected? Or something else that I need to do?

Thank you for your help!
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1 Answer

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The default edge type is polyline but you can select several curved edge types in the respective section of the palette. For convenience, I propose to change the default type of new edges to one that fits your needs by double-clicking its symbol: http://yed.yworks.com/support/manual/palette.html.

It's also possible to change the type of existing (selected) edges with the Change type command of the right-click context menu of each symbol.

by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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