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Enlarge diagram to fill print page

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Since version 3.17 the print out are not scaled to fill the page anymore. I think it worked up to version 3.17; I catch up on new versions pretty quickly.

I make prints on A3 and each print scales automatically to fill the page. Now yEd doesn't do that anymore. The Print Preview dialog shows exactly what is printed and the diagram is positioned in the upper right corner.

I checked the printer settings; A3 landscape all over the place. The actual print is on A3 landscape but the diagram is small in the upper right corner, just as the preview predicted.

Do I forget something or is this a bug?



in Help by (120 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

There have been no changes in yEd's printing support for a long time.

Could it be that you have changed yEd's default print settings to use user-defined scaling instead of automatic scaling?
Open the print preview ("File" -> "Print Preview") and click "Settings", then check options "Scale" (should be "Automatic") and "Print Centered" (should be enabled):

by [yWorks] (162k points)
I added a screenshot to my question. It shows the preview and the settings. All worked fine until recently. Smaller diagrams were enlarged to fit on A3 size. Now it's not doing that anymore. I think I will go for a full reinstall of yEd instead of upgrading my installation. See if that helps.
Problem fixed. Reinstallation didn't solve the issue. I removed settings.xml and now it works fine.
So, you had large page margins specified for the left and bottom sides of your page. These margins may be set in the "Page" setup dialog which is accessible from the print preview as well.
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