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Set width of column in vertical swim lane node

0 votes

is there a possibility to control the width of a vertical swim lane node column, besides selecting it and then dragging it? E.g. I would like to have three lanes of equal width.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Not for existing column, no. However, if you know beforehand how wide your columns should be, you can use the following workaround:

  1. Select your swim lane node.
  2. Find the "Default Column Width" property in the properties table in yEd's lower right corner or the properties dialog.
  3. Enter the desired width.
  4. Right-click the swim lane node to open its context menu.
  5. Create three new columns using the menu's "Add Column" entry.
  6. Select and remove all columns that do not have the desired with.


by [yWorks] (162k points)
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