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Objects in a swimlane wont show after entering it

0 votes
I loaded one of the swimlane help files, "studentRegistration". In the beginnign it all looks good. Then i Double click on the swimlane, and I see just the internal structure. Then I move out again, to the main screen, and it doesnt show anything in the swimlane anymore, and there is no way to get the diagram back. Any help?
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
Which version of yEd are you using? How do you "move out again"? "Grouping" -> "Previous View", ALT+PAGE_UP, and the corresponding tool bar button (second button from the right) all work for me (using yEd 3.17).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
Entering table and pool nodes has been deactivated in the new yEd 3.17.2 once again. Thus table or pool contents should no longer vanish.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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