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Excel import: Presentation tab - edges "Use configuration" not available

0 votes

When importing from an Excel sheet, one can set configurations in the "Presentation" tab. That works wonderfully fine in combination with "User configuration".

However, these seem only to be allowed for nodes; the edges settings for "Use configuration" are greyed out.

A reason for this?


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, there is a reason for this and it is quite simple:
The "Use Configuration" option is greyed out if there is no properties mapper configuration for the corresponding element type.

I.e. in your case it seems that you have properties mapper configurations for nodes only but not for edges.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thought that might be the case - and did add configurations for edges; might have gone awry though - will check and report. Thanks
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