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Selection box inside a node

0 votes
I find it quite annoying that it seems not to be possible to draw a selection box around nodes that lie within another node (visually speaking). As I see it, a selection box always has to begin on an empty canvas... Hope my point is clear.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes

It is possible to use marquee selection inside group nodes (including pool and table nodes). So make sure that the nodes on top are properly assigned to the group node that lies below them.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
I know, but that was not the point. I was not talking about group nodes, but about nodes that only visually appear to lie within another node (actually, just lying on top of the other node.)
yEd's (and yFiles for Java's) user interaction is designed and optimized for the much more common case of diagrams *without* overlapping normal nodes.
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