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How to click and drag a swimlane?

0 votes
I'm trying to create a swimlane without success.

I read on the help section that I need to click and drag the swimlane from the palette onto the main editor window, but that does not work for me.

I'm using a macbook trackpad, and at first I thought that was the issue.  But I am able to click and drag for other tasks, for instance to select multiple nodes by dragging a box around them.

I'm, using yEd 3.17


in Help by (120 points)
edited by
Does that mean you cannot create nodes from the palette at all? How do you create nodes?
Thanks for responding, Thomas.

Node creation works fine.  I'm an avid user of yEd :)  Just today I noticed that I could not create a swimlane.  I create nodes by double tapping on the desired node on the palette until the background is solid blue, then single-tapping on the canvas.  For edges, I also double tap until the desired edge has blue background, then click and drag from a node.  I can move nodes around, by selecting them, and then dragging.  In short, everything works for me but swimlanes...

I've uploaded a video here that shows the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2NTAlttlE4

When I asked if you were able to create nodes from the palette, I meant by dragging node templates from the palette into the editor area. Seems like you have never tried that for non-group/non-table nodes.
You are correct, I never create nodes by click-dragging (I did not even know that was possible...:).  I will try later with a mouse instead of the macbook's trackpad and report back.

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you very much for the screen cast illustrating the problem. I noticed that your palette is "floating". First thing to try is docking the palette back into the main yEd window.

If that does not help, you will probably have to create swimlane nodes by copying and adjusting existing swimlane nodes. To do that, open one of the swimlane examples from "Help" -> "Example Graphs" -> "Swimlane", select the swimlane node, copy the swimlane node (using COMMAND+C), and paste the copied swimlane node (using COMMAND+V) into your current diagram.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Docking the palette did it!  For reference: to dock a window, right-click on it and uncheck "Floating".
Thanks, Thomas!
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