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Respect the filename when importing svg icons in yed palette

0 votes
I have my own collections of svg icons, which I use regularly. They all are in separate svg files and the files are named according to the semantics of the icon.

It would be very usefull, if I had those filenames at hand as a tooltip after the import into a yed palette. And/or if I could search for that filename within a palette.

Currently one looses that information and has to remember the semantics of each icon be heart.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes

You may assign custom tool tips to style templates in user-defined palette sections. I admit that it is more work than an automatic import, but at least you will not have to remember "the semantics of each icon by heart" but may look it up.

See the answer to Show tooltip with template description in user palette as it done in built-in sections for information on assigning custom tool tips to style templates.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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