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How do I set a size?

0 votes
Hi everybody,

thanks in advance for your answers to my basic question.

In yEd there is an open space of work, so I cannot set the size of the page in which I am going to create my tree-graph. Is that true? If not, how can I set it?

In my case, I have to create a graph to put in an ISO A2 paper, which is 420 mm x 594 mm; my problem is that everytime I modify the dimension of a box or some positions, once I have exported the PDF in A2 size, the total dimension is modified. Since I have a graph with many boxes and with long descriptions in them, it is extremley important not to reduce the font size.

If it is not possible to set the size of the working space, it could be useful to have the possibility to create a rectangular shape of a certain ratio, to keep it fixed in the space and in which I could create my graph.


Thank you again.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd is not a page-oriented application. Thus there is no page whose size could be set.

That said, I guess your diagram is actually too large to fit onto an A2 paper. (A2 essentially corresponds to 1190x1683 space units.) Assuming default settings (aside from the A2 page settings), yEd's PDF export shrinks the diagram to fit into the desired page size. If you do not want that to happen, activate tiling. With tiling active, yEd's PDF export will keep your diagram's actual size, but split it across several pages if necessary.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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