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How do I align a label vertically inside a node?

0 votes
So I have a label set to "Fit Node Size" and Configuration to "Cropping". I also have placement set to Internal: Center. This works fine for my purposes, but the problem is the text starts at the top of the label. I want it to start from the center.

If I have the label set to "Fit Node Width", it starts at the center. However, if the text is too long, the text goes out the top and bottom of the node, which isn't what I want. Is there anyway to force the text of a label to be aligned vertically to the label?
in Help by

1 Answer

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I'm struggling to find that out, too.

At the moment, I could only work around it by setting it to "fit node width", and then adding a padding inside my bubble, by using the "Inset" parameter.

0 10 0 10

adds basically a padding of 10 from the left and the right e.g. But it's still not perfect and in my opinion, it should work by setting "Internal: Center" just like you wrote.
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