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Can you disable automatic updates?

0 votes
We'd like to control the version installed of yEd and centralise upgrades. This requires disabling the "check for update" feature. Is this possible?
in Help by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, it is.


Please note, section 1 "License Conditions" in the yEd Software License Agreement says "... install one copy of the Software and use it as an application ..."  (emphasis mine). This means you are not allowed to use yEd with an automated software distribution system unless you get express permission from yWorks GmbH to do so. If you intend to automate yEd installation, please contact the yWorks sales department to negotiate terms.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
But this is after installation and won't disable the feature that's available in the Help menu. I'm after a setting, a flag, that I can set at original installation time to completely disable this feature.
This request implies the use of a software distribution system to me.
Please contact the yWorks sales department to negotiate terms.
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