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Printing fails with an error message. What can I do?

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I cannot print an yEd shows an error message like one of the following:

  • Printer is not accepting job.
  • No printer service available. Please check the printer configuration.
  • No printer found.
What can I do?
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2 Answers

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Best answer

yEd relys on the printer services made available by the Java runtime and I'm not sure whether there is anything we can do to solve this problem in yEd. This may be a problem in the interaction of your printer's driver and Java.

This blog post describes the same problem with another application. The suggested solution is a complete removal and re-installation of the printer driver. In any case, please make sure that you're using the latest drivers for your printer and the current Java Runtime Environment (http://www.java.com).
As work-around, I propose to export the diagram to an image or to PDF and print this with another application. Alternatively, you can check if printing to a PDF printer like PDFCreator works.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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This problem exists at the present time. Oracle JDK 1.8.0-05-b13 on Fedora 20.

"java.awt.print.PrinterException: No printer service available. Please check the printer configuration."

Is this a problem between Java and CUPS that has been open for over ten years? It is more likely than you think.

The link to the blog post given above is dead. However, I found it via the wayback machine. The nugget of wisdom:

"Ultimately what fixed the problem was to completely remove the printer driver from the computer and reinstall. Uninstalling a printer does not remove the driver. You must follow these steps (Windows XP):

    Open the printer folder.
    Select File, Server Properties.
    Go to the Drivers tab.
    Select the printer driver that needs to be removed and click the remove button.

Once the printer driver has been removed install the printer again and at least in my case the error has been resolved."

Unfortunately this doesn't help me.
This problem occurs on CentOS 6.5 with the JRE which is provided with yEd. Other applications have zero issues with printing and searching for this message on Google only shows this page. I would say that this is a bug with the current yEd bundle as provided.
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You can install 'cups-bsd' if you're running a debian based system - works fine for me
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