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Swimlane node column header height does not grow with font size

0 votes

When I try to increase the font size of the column headers in a swimlane node, I would expect the height of the header field to grow accordingly, which does not happen. Is there any setting to adjust this behaviour?

in Help by
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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
No, there is no such setting.

However, as of yEd 3.9.2 you can change the height manually. To do so, select a column and adjust its "Header Height" property in the properties grid that is usually located in the lower right corner. To adjust all heights at once, select one column, then type CTRL+A to select all columns, and proceed as above.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Ah, that's fair enough. Thanks a lot!
The same principle applies to the row header width, you can adjust its height in the property section.
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