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Allign all labels left and remove blank space

0 votes

I have created a graph with three labels. Is it possible to allign all labels to the left? The third label seems ot always be centered.

Also, when I create a node with three labels, there is always extra space on the bottom. When I adjust the node isze to remove this space, the secord label overlaps the first label. Is is possible to remove this extra space?

Picture of what I currently have: http://i.imgur.com/UK1MoAt.png

Thank you for your time
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, it is possible to align all labels to the left.
Yes, it is possible to remove the extra space at the bottom.

Both requirements may be met by choosing the appropriate label placement as demonstrated in this sample. (Select the labels and inspect the "Placement", "Configuration", and "Insets" properties.)
The first two sample nodes actually have two lines of text in the second label instead one line of text in the second and third label.
The third and fourth sample nodes use three labels.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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