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Directed Graphs

0 votes

I am having some issues with computing the centrality measures using directed/ or non-directed computations.

My network looks like this A <--> B <--> C --> D --> E --> F -->C. I have tried to represent this using edges with arrows on them. My issue is how to represent the edges connecting A to B and B to C. If I use an edge with no arrows I get different results. If I use two edges with arrows so they end up pointing one in each direction, I get different results.

I thought that an edge with no arrow is unidirectional? How come then, if I go to 'tools' --> 'reverse selected edges' on the edges with no arrows, it changes the results of my analysis?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd works with directed graphs and there are no undirected edges in directed graphs.

The arrows are a purely visual decoration. (Indeed nothing keeps you from creating an edge that has a source arrow but no target arrow).

As a consequence, if there is a connection from A to B and from B to A, you will have to use two edges (one from A to B and one from B to A). Moreover, two edges from A to B, one with a source arrow and one with a target arrow will not work. (I strongly recommend using only target arrows for all of your edges, otherwise it is very hard to determine if the edge direction is "correct".)

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Set Edge Direction
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