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XSLT - data import / templates

0 votes
I have come across XSLT options in editing XML documents, but haven't worked with it as a translation/transposition editor. I would probably try something cruder like a pair of spreadsheets where I'm copying/pasting columns.

That brings me to a related question: is there a bulk import facility for yEd? I see there's an Open option for Excel files, but am wondering how to add nodes/edges in bulk to an already open file; merging new data with existing.
in Help by (290 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
There is no dedicated "merge diagrams" or "import elements into existing diagram" feature in yEd.
The best you can do is opening two separate diagrams and then copying the elements from one diagram into the other. Unfortunately, this approach does not cover use cases like incremental update of diagrams.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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