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Can the default cross symbol for death be exchanged for the dagger character?

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Changing Font to almost any other font than the default one, the death symbol is not showing. The cross character symbolizing death in yEd seems to another one else than the standard "dagger" character that is commonly used before the death dates in other text based contexts.

On the image below I manually pasted a dagger symbol to the right of the default yEd cross symbol. As you can see the dagger shows up correctly in Arial type face (and most of the other type faces that I've tested with), but the default cross is almost only correct with the "Dialog" fonts that is the yEd default one.

related to an answer for: Webdings font does not display correctly
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to change the default symbol characters that yEd uses for birth and death labels.

If you prefer other symbol characters, you will have to change each label text manually. Alternatively, store your genealogy diagram in GraphML format and replace the symbol characters in the GraphML file with a text editor.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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