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Is there a way of inserting a node into existing edge?

0 votes

I'd like to be able to drag a node into an existing edge and the new node will be automatically connected between the two existing nodes. Currently I have to manually delete the old edge and create two new edeges - to and from the new node. This is problematic, when I need to recreate bending edge with labels.

Is there a way to do that in yEd?


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
See "File" -> "Preferences, tab "Editor", option "Split Edge on Node Drop".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
But this only works when dragging from the palette, not when placing an existing node onto an edge - right!?
Correct. This feature needs the drag'n'drop gesture.
Though it would be a cool feature to have - drag'n'drop already existing nodes onto already existing edges... Cheers. Stefan
A workaround I discovered: Select the existing node. Right Click "Add to Pallette" This will create that node in your pallet and can be dragged onto edge.
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